Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thruster stoopid

500 Thrusters @ 45lbs


Not all that fun . . .


Brendhan said...

"not all that fun". Indeed. Like "I didn't laugh that much while getting shot".

I do give you an A+ for tenacity.

JTM said...

how are your legs and shoulders feeling after that?

500 45# thrusters? holy shit. that's just sadistic.

TexasPatrick said...

Shoulders okay, I had beat them up all week so for whatever reason they're not so bad.

Legs? Whole 'nother story. Even my calves are sore. Quads . . . well lets just say tomorrow mornings squats are gonna be interesting.

TexasPatrick said...

And I'm almost sorry I posted it after GD pointed out it only took him like 27 minutes to finish it . . . I dunno.

JTM said...

that just means you scaled it wrong and should have stopped at 250 or 300.

every time 'Jackie' comes up I remember just how heavy 45# can be.

what's up the MU contest? I noticed you gaffed off my email. ( o )( o )

JAK said...

WOW. Thats a bit nuts. How did that fit into CFSSB programming?

TexasPatrick said...

It has had a crappy effect on CFSB.

It's even more stupid than originally thought. It's like long tail stupid. I still feel it and I've done some workouts, but I'm still feeling it, and it's contributing to back tightness . . . blah blah blah I'm an idiot . . .

Anonymous said...


TexasPatrick said...

I wouldn't agree too loud there Brucie, I think you joined this club before I did . . . .

JAK said...

Well said TP. But hey its one of those things you can look back and say that you did. And sometimes its worthwhile to push the envelope waay to far and learn something you wouldn't have otherwise. Like how sore you really can get!