Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Brutal WOD

5 rft

15 box jump burpees
12 push press 75
5 ohs 75
15 ball slams


Sunday, March 29, 2009


Just a high gravity low strength day . . . just happy I checked off the "workout" box.


5x3 . . . which ended up being 4x3 . .

135/155/175/195 . . . was supposed to be 215 but 195 was off, way off. Form went all to heck. Got it, but back was really sore all the way down and up and thought that bumping up would be dumb.

I think I got to thinking too much or something. I don't know what happened, but it all fell apart. 175 seemed to work just fine, but 195 was evil. Very hard and much harder than last week's 210.

Then hit 4 rounds of 8 pullups/8 ring dips.


Was going for 5 rounds for time considerations, but still misjudged time issues so cut it short. The last round was 2 minutes so it was only getting worse. And I've been working pullups so this kinda frosts my cupcakes. But to be fair, the pullups I've been working are at the beginning to get better stage.

So today's theme was not so much, and what I did was cut short and weak.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crap Parenting: Don't be Evil

Girl: I want to paint my bed frame white. Black is not a very royal color. Unless you're an evil queen. And no one wants an evil room.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Filthy Fifty

Filthy Fifty,

As Rx'd,

45:38 (PR)

Even the double unders. Got six straight away thought "hooray!" then it was all doubles and a couple 4-5s here and there.

Previously with subs (tuck jumps, supermans for back xtn) I got 50:56.

I have one with those same subs where I got 25 somethign. That. Cannot. Be. Possible.

Oh, and the dry heaves. I've been doing this about 2.5 years. Not a spot of trouble. Today I actually had to run out the back door to keep some brisket tacos where they belong, in ma belly. Can't tell if I'm vaguely ashamed or proud.

This was another wod at Crossfit Strong, near work. I have no idea why but I've about died both workouts. And there was waaaaaay too much walking around today. My lack of fitness is disturbing . . .

Monday, March 23, 2009

CFSB R4 Week 1 Front Squats

Horrible awful no good day


Front Squat

3x5 140-160-180(f-2 reps)

Then onto the back squat fiasco . . .

20x155, yes, the full jesus . .

Broken, 14-6

Then onto backyard Lynne

3 rounds Ring Dips and Pullups since at this point, time and self pity were becoming an issue . .

19/14, 17/11, 14/8

Nothing wanted to go today.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

CFSB R4W1-Deadlift Day

Deadlift Day!




then a repeat of a mod of that pullup monstrosity

1 pullup with 25lbs
3 dead hang
5 kipping

7:01. See previously at 11:48 I'll take it.

First two rounds only dropped off the bar to pick the weight back up again.
Next three rounds as broken as my drunken promises . . .

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

CFSB R4 W1-Squats/J.T.


squats 5x3

130-150-170-190-210 (pr)

Then was going to do JT, Porch, to get under 10 but brain cramped on the hspus and went to 21, so just did the first two rounds

So 21-15 of

hspu piked
ring dips


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Turkish getup . . .

Got this done:

1x70lb each arm.

Think I could go incrementally higher. I'd like to do it somewhere on a mat so my knee isn't on concrete. That didn't help.

Played around with hang power snatch, got up to 110lbs, but felt like I was muscling it up just so I didn't have to drop it, but I figured I'd stop there. I think I could get 120 with a bit of practice. Which means 135 is right there . . ooooo.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

CFSB R3 w7

Dropped by a new box near work:

Crossfit Strong first WOD

Team workout:

21 press @ 75lbs
8 deadlift @ 185lbs
80 yards of tire flip and jump (kinda like a spartan, but I'll get there)

Teams of two. One starts deads, one starts press. Switch when done. When both are done, run over to tire, start flipping. Each person flips, jumps in then out, and partner then flips tire, jumps in and out.

That was a cracker.

20 minutes. When the shoulder presses hit failure, go to push press. Deads were good (thanks CFSB!) 8-(4-4)-(4-4), Shoulder press, got all 21 first round second round fade at 11-12, third round, fade at 5.

But them damn tire jumps . . . .

20:15? (under 20:20 for sure).

Fun stuff. Really fun stuff.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Complete as many rounds as you can in fifteen minutes of:
3 Handstand Push-ups
6 L Pull-ups
9 Steps, Walking Lunge

10 rounds.

I knew this was going to be a slog for a variety of reasons.

First round 6 crappy L-ish pullups, but all L-ish

After that tuck pullups with the occasional L thrown in to mock myself.

Nothing else broken. Will need to find a better sub for HSPUs than piked on the edge of the trampoline. It was too easy for the whole thing.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Barbara lite:

10/20/30/40 pullup/pushup/situp/squats


I have no idea what happened in the last round . . . other than overcome by the suck . . .

And just let me go on record . . . that’s one sucky workout . . .

Although, I did have one semi breakthrough, in that I didn’t come off the bar on the pullups. I think not too long ago I would have had to break that in the later rounds.

I've done some previous versions of this, but, not, apparently, a useful version.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CFSB R3 Week 6

Test week,




Went to the tape and the back wasn't fishpole at all, but sufficiently degraded at 285 to keep from going higher. Fair enough, and it very nearly ties my pr (286). As the bottom on the dls gets higher, the back should come along. It wasn't the legs, so the back needs some work.

Monday, March 2, 2009