Saturday, March 26, 2011

Litvi, shoulder press, barfing . .

Shoulder press 1 rep max, got 125 pretty easily, 135 no go.

Prolly shoulda bumped up a little smaller, but hey, I think I'm waaaay behind on my strength work (and metcon work . . . and gymnastics skills . . . )


Then started out going to try

Prowler Litvis

5 rounds

5x Front Squat 145lbs

40 yards prowler, low handles out, high horns back with 30lbs on the prowler (yeah . . I know, but my wussitude gets even better . . . wait for it.)

Recover completely between rounds.

1st round fine.
2nd round fine . . . until the rest . . . and the dry heaves. . . all done.

All done. The STUPID thing is now I now need to do that again. Yay.

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