Friday, June 22, 2012

The Friday edition of the Thursday wod...

Long day, didn't get this yesterday due to a belated anniversary dinner.

1:00 Happy baby
1:00 Triangle pose
10 good mornings 25# plate to chest
5 unloaded push press
1:00 Pigeon pose
1:00 barbell tricep mash
1:00 Lacrosse ball in traps

Find a 3 rep max Shoulder press. Then EMOM for 6 minutes 2 reps @105#

Okay, 3x110.  I probably should have tried for 115 right off, since that was 2x then fail...

Then the EMOM went like this: 2-2-1-1-0-0

Couple of things: that's the first time that I've missed any on the emom shoulder press.  But I've also never had a 3 rep max before them either.  Eh, try again.  Also, even with the trap rolling, I've got something hinky going on in my trap/neck so that didn't help things...which leads us to...

EMOM alternating minutes for 12 minutes
5 any way shoulder to overhead 115#
5 Chest to bar Pull ups

(first minute do 5 any way shoulder to overhead, second minute do 5 chest to bar pull-ups, third minute back to awsto, fourth back to pull-ups etc)

That went okay, all awsto were fine, usually 1-2 push press, rest push jerk, then ctb pullups.  Those were broken (i.e. I came off the bar) in three rounds, 2, 10 and 12.  There were a couple rounds where I had to do 6-7 because of failure to contact bar....but I didn't come off there.

Skill: skipped...didn't get home till 7:30...

Cash out:
1:00 lacrosse ball in glutes
1:00 foam roll back
1:00 foam roll IT Band
1:00 triangle pose

Now off to ice and heat the trap...

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