Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fifty? Fifty?

3x 1:00 lacrosse ball glutes 1:00 foam roll back 1:00 pigeon pose 1:00 Hollywood pose 1:00 cobra pose Strength: backsquat 165x3 Wondering a bit about the back. Strong lifts, but back doesn't feel perfect. Wod: 50 elevated ring rows 50 handstand rocks each side facing away from wall 50 knees to elbows 50 walking lunges each side (focus on staying on your hamstrings, big steps) Ho-Lee-Crap Fitty? Fitty of everything? 25:51 7:12/6:19/6:46/5:33 Tabata bar hangs I made it but I was slipping off the bar at the end...5 more seconds and I would have been on the ground... Got time crunched and missed this: Cash out: Go through as many times as you see fit 2:00 pigeon pose 2:00 triangle pose 2:00 foam roll back

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Funday

Have a long week ahead, and since I missed yesterday, I decided to move things up a day:

Buy in:

Go through as many times as you see fit
1:00 happy baby
1:00 lacrosse ball in traps
1:00 pigeon pose
1:00 cobra pose
1:00 lacrosse ball in chest (the easiest way I've found to do this is by standing and using a wall)

Strength: emom for 6 minutes
2 shoulder presses 90#

Went fine..except that I did the first two at 95, because my meathead math skills weren't up to par...

Amrap in 15 minutes
100 m run
10 sumo deadlift high pulls 35# kettlebell or dumbbell
10 thrusters 45# bar

7 rounds and the 100 m

You know what sucks? When you're looking for the suck in a wod and you're thinking, Hmm, where's the suck? And then you realize...the weights are pretty light...and there is NO reason to put the bar down...that is where the suck was hiding, in plain sight...

Skill: 40 handstand rocks each side
Try 20 facing the wall, 20 facing away

Cash out:

Go through as many times as you see fit
1:00 cobra pose
1:00 foam roll back
2:00 pigeon pose
1:00 happy baby

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Deads! Woot


Buy in:
1:00 happy baby
1:00 pigeon pose
1:00 triangle pose
10 goddmornings 25# plate to chest
1:00 cobra pose
10 squats

Deadlift 2 sets of 145X10 you can break between sets if needed

2x10@ 145

Amrap in 20 minutes
10 knees to elbows
15 deadlifts 35# dumbbells

7 Rounds and 3 KTE

Boy...that sucked...

3:00 freestanding handstand attempts

Cash out:
1:00 cobra pose
1:00 pigeon pose
1:00 birds of paradise
1:00 triangle pose

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Strict Pullups and other stuff...

Buy in:
1:00 pigeon pose
1:00 happy baby
10 squats
1:00 triangle pose

In place of strength:
If possible Dumbbell shoulder press find a 7 rep max

7x35lb db

Went to 45s since I don't have 40s and got 3....

Max strict pull-ups
Max kipping pull-ups
Max handstand rocks facing away from wall
Max handstand rocks facing wall

Per round:

1) 10/7/7/27
2) 5/8/10/21
3) 4/5/4/14

Handstand rocks away from the wall can end up being just losing balance...

L sit hold 5X 10 seconds

Good lord that was hard...

Cash out:
Accumulate 15 minutes on a lacrosse ball and/or foam roller digging in
problem areas and new juicy spots.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Been gone, now death by 10m, squats

Buy in:
1:00 Happy baby
1:00 triangle pose
1:00 sampson stretch
1:00 foam roll calves

Death by 10 meters + squats

1st minute= 1 ten meter sprint, and 1 squat
2nd minute= 2 ten meter sprints, and 2 squats
etc. until time runs out for completion of a round.

30 handstand rocks each side, 15 facing wall, 15 facing away.

Cash out:
3:00 foam roll calves
1:00 Happy baby
1:00 Sampson strentch

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Sunday edition of the Thursday Night Wod!


Did Thursday's Wod (didn't want to miss a lifting day...)

Buy in:
2:00 triangle pose
1:00 happy baby
10 unloaded goodmornings with barbell
1:00 tricep mash

Emom for 10 minutes
Shoulder press 90X1

All went up reasonably fast.

Amrap in 12 Minutes
300m run
10 Push Press 95# barbell

5 rounds and just out the garage door when the buzzer rang...

25 Bulgarian split squats each leg

Cash out:
Accumulate 15 minutes on a lacrosse ball digging for problem areas and
new juicy spots.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday, so it must be Deads Day...


Buy in:
Spend 15 minutes on a foam roller in area of your choice then
1:00 happy baby
1:00 triangle pose
1:00 pigeon pose
20 air squats

Deadlift 2 sets of 140X10 you can break between sets if needed
Focus on getting your hips and the bar to rise at the same rate.

2x 10x140lbs. Two sets of 10

Wall ball
Elevated Ring rows
Rest 1:30

Nice...90 wallballs....

18:01 7:11/1:30/9:19

Handstand push up attempts. Go as far down as possible with a complete
press back out.

1(f) To Abmat, Fell over
1 head touched Abmat...good
1 (f) tried to go to 15lb plate
1 to Abmat
1 (f) to Abmat

So, two good solid, down to Abmat HSPU

Cash out:
2:00 triangle pose
2:00 birds of paradise
2:00 hamstring flossing

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Heavy Squat day and some evilness


Buy in:
1:00 happy baby
1:00 triangle pose
1:00 cobra pose
10 Good mornings 25# plate to chest
5 Bulgarian split squats each leg

Backsquat 165X3 or 145X5 depending on how you feel during your warm up
and buy in.

145x5 this week

7 rounds
20 walking lunges
5 dumbbell deadlifts 35#
5 dumbbell squat cleans 35#


5 Max L sit holds complete one round of cash out between sets

Cash out:
1:00 happy baby
1:00 cobra pose
1:00 hollywood pose
1:00 triangle pose

Ran out of time, did two rounds, but each L-sit was straight legged, about 10 seconds each..

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday Burpee toes to bar, deadlifts...



Buy in:
1:00 hamstring floss
1:00 triangle pose
1:00 pigeon pose
1:00 happy baby
1:00 cobra pose

2X Amrap in 10
10 burpee toes to bar
10 deadlifts 95#

5 Rounds plus 4 BTTB

Just a note, that means that Saturday to Saturday I will have done 70 deadlifts...

Also, I was very conservative on these, because it was speed deads that hurt me the last two times...95lbs is a menace..

rest 2:00

Skill: 30 handstand rocks each side
I really like the idea last week where you switched up which side you
faced. (wall or outward) Do 15 in each direction

That was tough..

Cash out:
2:00 hollywood pose
2:00 triangle pose
2:00 happy baby

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday fun...

Sunday-Did not get to the bold stuff

Buy in:
Accumulate 30 minutes on a lacrosse ball and rumble roller looking for
problem areas

½ tabatta situps
½ tabatta plank hold
rest 1:00

R1: 12/12/12/11
R2: 13/13/11/10
R3: 11/11/10/12

Planks were all done to complettion

each round should take four minutes, rest 1:00 between rounds

20 forward rolls

Cash out:
Spend 15 minutes on a foam roller working out this week’s problem
areas and sore spots