Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fifty? Fifty?

3x 1:00 lacrosse ball glutes 1:00 foam roll back 1:00 pigeon pose 1:00 Hollywood pose 1:00 cobra pose Strength: backsquat 165x3 Wondering a bit about the back. Strong lifts, but back doesn't feel perfect. Wod: 50 elevated ring rows 50 handstand rocks each side facing away from wall 50 knees to elbows 50 walking lunges each side (focus on staying on your hamstrings, big steps) Ho-Lee-Crap Fitty? Fitty of everything? 25:51 7:12/6:19/6:46/5:33 Tabata bar hangs I made it but I was slipping off the bar at the end...5 more seconds and I would have been on the ground... Got time crunched and missed this: Cash out: Go through as many times as you see fit 2:00 pigeon pose 2:00 triangle pose 2:00 foam roll back

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