Friday, May 23, 2008

Keepin' it Real Y'all . . .

True story:

Every year my teensy division of a larger company puts on a meeting for our members.

As such we have speakers, etc.

And as one must have in business these days at least ONE of the speakers has to be motivational. Of course, most of these, seems to me, end up motivating you to "be motivated" and I'm certainly more of the school "Don't do something! Stand There!" type motivation, but some people like these things.

Anyway, this year we had someone who was/is an actress, and studied mime with Marcel Marceau.

And I'm paraphrasing, but essentially, she said: "Street Mimes, by only using part of the repetoire, i.e, "the wall" and "pulling on a rope" have debased mime in the minds of the public."

Doesn't this make mimes worse? It's bad enough they're trapped in that box . . . but when they talk, evidently, the whine about their "art" being degraded . . . . .


Man, you go to to JuCo, or State University of Mime, and your whole career you'll be judged against them Yalie mimes . . . . and I'm not even going to get into that street gutter mime business, I mean, I know they target the Urban Mime demographic . . . . . but people . . . .


Anonymous said...

ah yes, we all long for the good ol' respectable glory mime days of Shields and Yarnell.......

TexasPatrick said...


Do not bring up those . . . those . . . vulgarians . . .

Though, actually a Sheilds and Yarnell reference . . . nice . . .