Monday, May 26, 2008

God Speed Murph, God Speed

In honor of Michael Murphy "Murph" Plano, TX Crossfit does a Memorial Day Challenge. The only event is Murph. The workout is something Murph used to do, and he called it "body armor". This event is:

1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run

If you have body armor, wear that . . .

My time: 47:28.

Now . . . see previous time of 3/4 Murph at 39:04.

So, to analyze: 8 minutes, 24 seconds longer . . . . for 25 more pullups, 50 more pushups, and 75 more squats . . . a slog. :-) But a good slog. Happy with this time. I did a 3/4 Murph that took over an hour. So a full under 50 (which was the goal). Next goal, under 45:00. Ow.

Happy with with effort for the most part other than the second run. Did a 5/10/15 breakdown of pullups, pushups, and squats. Pullups all unbroken even if my kip was sucking hard today. Pushups went 10 at first, (three rounds) then 5-5 for a couple more rounds then eventually 4-3-3. That's actually a great improvement. Usually I'm reduced to 3-3-2-2 at the end. Squats were mostly unbroken and at the end kind of 10-5 or whatever worked for that round.

Also, ran some folks in. Austin, who did it in the vest and did a spectacular puke 50 feet from the finish . . . I mean, double barrelled ginormo puke.

Ran Bret (who did a double Murph, with vest both times) on a pace run for the first mile of the second Murph.

Made a beer run with Cat. Nice.

Ran Big Daddy Bruce in on his 800 meter final run. Fun that. Carried my beer, ran in my sandals, and regaled Bruce with tales of beer and watermelon belches I was having . . . . good times, good times . . .

Had a little food, a little beer . . . then off to home. Where I am completely wrecked . . . in a good way. Thank goodness for a rest day tomorrow: Painstorm, Fran and Murph, all in three days . . .

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