Okay, so I'm curious. What's possibly WORSE than the Navy Seal Workout (I know now, nothing, since I do the Navy Seal Workout, it's called Crossfit).
But here was this site full of odd little workouts. 21-15-9? 3 rounds for time? What? So you read the whole site, and get sent over to Brand X Martial Arts, where Jeff Martin and the crew helpfully scale the workouts because you've learned (if reading closely) that these workouts will kill you. I don't mean figuratively, I mean as in rhabdomyolysis. I took the hint. I scaled. I wasn't in that great of shape anyway. Unless round is a shape.
Besides, this stuff was crazy!! Who can do 100 pullups? Seemed like everyone on the site! Who can do 21-15-9 of a 225 deadlift and handstand pushups? These very normal looking freaks, that's who.
Okay folks, this aint for the squeamish: Crossfit in action.
Exhibit One: What you look like January, 2006, before finding Crossfit in November 2006.
So what happens when you start doing a bunch of insane stuff? Learning things like RTF and AMRAP?
As near as I can tell, my first recorded cfit workout on 12/24/06 was this:
cleans @ 70lbs
ring dips
I was doing WODs before that, I just wasn't keeping track. (And what is up with Mr. Bozo here working out on xmas eve? Weird.)
Okay, let's fast forward to 1/06/07. Now, honestly, I think I must have been losing some weight all year, and I wish I had thought to take a picture in November, but here's what I look like on 1/06/07:
So clearly something (I think mostly my sucking in my gut . . . ) is happening.
Okay, so a few more pullups, pushups . . . f***ing burpees . . . . and we get to 6/18/2007:
January 2006 = 200-205lbs
then crossfitcrossfitcrossfit
June 2007 = 180-182lbs. None of my pants fit any more. I dropped two inches off my waist. I'm closing in on a 32" waist, which I haven't seen since, well, a while ago.
Crossfit works.
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