Thursday, April 24, 2008


Odd day at the gym . . . It was a skill day, ropes and kte.

Learned how to do my feet with the unknotted rope. Good stuff that.

Then, we were supposed to do a team farmers carry/sandbag carry, 400 meters. Me and Francisco ran that using 125lb sandbag, 2 32kg kbs, in like 4:23. I think had we really pushed we could have come in under 4 . . . next time . .

Troy was also giving an intro class, or a group of friends or something, checking out the gym and skill days aren't enough to show someone the special brand of pleasure that is crossfit so he ran them through Helen and I stuck around for that:

3 rft

400 meter run
21 kb swings 24kg
12 pullups

Last attempt: 10/15/07 (has it really been that long . . . ) 16:04 . . . This time . . 12:46 as rx'd . . . so I'll take it. :-D


Davie said...

Nice Helen time!

TexasPatrick said...

Really? Thanks!!