Sunday, December 2, 2007

Birthday WOD-Cleans

Okay, missed this at CFit Plano, TX, so I did it at home:

Hang Squat Cleans: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Increase weight between sets

so it went like:

125 (I think this should have been a failure, but it pissed me off so I just hiked it up and got under it)
130 F (true failure ;-))

Something about it being from the "hang" position, made this seem harder than I think it would have been normally. Also, this was a workout in the the garage, so I was using hte the wal-mart special weights. I kid thee not.

They have some serious drawbacks compared to the nice bumpers we have at the gym: they are metal, so dropping them is not much of an actual option. That means if I get in trouble and need to dump them, I can't. So, mentally, I don't want to get into situations where I might have to drop them.

They are also shorter (smaller diameter) than typical olympic plates, so deads are pulled from about 2 inches closer to the ground. When you're trying to get your butt and back arch in the right place, that makes a big difference.

Today I think I'll try a version of a workout I saw Kempie post. Should be um, fun!

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