Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fran-alicious/L-sit Grief . . .

Last night/this morning

Last night:


5 box jumps
10 L-sit pullups (did knees raised)
15 kte

4 rounds plus 2 pullups

Just couldn't hang on the pullup side of the street

This morning:

Fran: 21-15-9
thrusters @ 95 (used 65lbs)

Angled bars for pullups (I think I get more pullups this way)


Previous Fran Versions Here.

Was a little bummed until I checked my Fran times and realized that this was a proper (aka at the gym) Fran and saw that my previous best a year ago was 5:56 and 45lbs.

So 20 lbs and 30 seconds is pretty good.

I think that withough lack of character breaks I could get through this faster and need to work on the kip and cycling through faster. Thrusters were 14-7, 8-7, 9. Pullups were a mess . . . probably 10-6-5, 5-4-4-2, 4-4-1 or something like that.

I hopped off the bar somewhere between crushed and beat down . . . I need to up the ante.

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