Saturday, January 26, 2008

Crossfit Plano-2nd Anniversary Workout

"The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain." I agree, and I was his cheif importer on Saturday. Notice the grimace? I am in the air. I am either rising or falling. Either way, I have expended all the energy and exertion I could have and I am still making a face.

Lordy, was this teh complete suck:

'Chuck's Big Brother'

For time:
75 Box Jumps - 24"
75 Jumping Pull Ups
75 Kettlebell Swings - 16kg
75 Walking Lunges
75 Knees to Elbows
75 Push Presses - 45lb
75 Back Extensions
75 Wall Ball Shots - 20lb
75 Burpees
75 Double Unders (Sub jump Squats yeah, tuck jumps were evidently not enough for Troy. . .)

I did the PACK scale which was 50 reps. So the MIDDLE scale was a full Chuck Norris/Filthy Fifty

So that was my first time doing a full FF.

50:56. Just couldn't bring it today.

For instance, last time I did this workout, doing pack scale (the pack scale for the regular FF, 35 reps of each) I did a 20 minute time. So by increasing the work by 1/3ish, I more than doubled my time. Yikes.

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