Monday, March 10, 2008

Of course there are no WMDs in Iraq

Because Chuck Norris lives in Oklahoma.

This one was new to me: "Chuck Norris puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter"".

Although, I don't remember in his movies where he took out a group of men with one kick . . . the way it's phrased, it sounds like they went down like bowling pins. Not to say he didn't take out groups of men by kicking them . . . . because everyone deserves a little roundhouse chuckylove . . . .

I'm also odd on the "Chuck Norris has become" a cult figure. Dude is a legend. He's not a cult figure, he was a martial arts champion, he was a fargity fargin movie star, and a fargity fargin TV star on NETWORK TELEVISION.

Yeah, he's a bit of an odd duck, you know, an aquired taste. Jebus christo on a jet powered pogo stick . . . . He's been a celebrity longer than 99.9% of the ones you can name off the top of your head, actually was a real athlete before his movie career (Hmm, Arnohld?), ran a chain of martial arts studios, and now, that some guys in the Military like him, he's a "cult"?

On a slightly less excited note: Is it just me, or are the Chuck Norris "Facts" basically more American "Tall Tales"? I mean, if you take some of the old "Paul Bunyan" facts: "Paul could blow out a candle and be in bed before the light went out", Paul did them before Chuck did. But I don't know that Paul B., counted to infinity twice . . . once maybe . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While Paul Bunyon may have counted to infinity once, maybe even twice, I'm certain he wasn't counting reps on the Chuck Norris Total Gym when he did it....