Saturday, February 9, 2008

Oh what foolishness

"Mason's last stand" --- Or Mason is a Pussy--since he didn't show up!! Monkey!!

Buy in:

21-15- and 9 reps
95 pound Thruster (I used 65).

Thus ends the puppy scale (with appropriately scaled weights).

Directly followed by the this chipper for time:

'Run' 400m ---Bwahaha. Yeah. Although, Running after Fran is like a rest.
50 Supermans (actually got the lone back extension machine).
50 Wall Ball Shots - 20lb (16)
10 Muscle Ups (35 pull ups and dips) (10 jumping muscle ups).
30 Double Unders (300 rope skips or 30 Deep Squat Jumps) (300 skips)
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls - 65lb I hate these. But I'm going to do them until I get 'em right.
20 Pistols --Did these holding a pole at the bottom for balance.
20 Handstand Push Ups (Dumbell Press) (35lb dumbell press, i know, i know).
Run 400m

Thus ends pack scaling and where I stopped. If you were a big dog or stupid you then did:

L Sit 30 seconds (Hanging Knee Raise)
50 Suitcase Deadlifts - 144#
Bear Crawl 100m (Burpees)
3 Rope Climbs (45 Pull Ups)
400m Farmer's Carry - 144#
500m Row

Rest 3 minutes and then

Buy Out:
3 minutes of Static Hang from Bar

45:12 for pack effort. Very sucky compared to other days. My legs were very heavy feeling, still burnt from the three days of Elizabeth, push press (and sdhp), and Angie yesterday. yay. Still, I keep floating in near last . . . .

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